Most Important Words Vocab

Most Important Words Vocab, Part-44, with PDF

Written by Muhammad Bilal

Daily words English to Urdu

The 3000 Most Important Words Vocab of this series along with meaning in Urdu and example sentences are the most useful words in English.

Part-44  ↓

 disgrace  ذلت
 elbow  کلون
 grateful  شکر گزار
 irritate  جلدی کرو
 kid  بچہ
 loose  ڈھیلے
offend بدبختی
overnight رات بھر
 persist  اصرار
 pine  پائن
scar سکارف
 sensation  احساس
 sled  سلیج
 tease  چڑھاو
 valentine  ویلنٹائن

About the author

Muhammad Bilal

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