Most Important Words Vocab Common Vocabulary Words

Business vocabulary words with their meanings

Written by Muhammad Bilal

Some business vocabulary words with their english and urdu meaings.This lesson will help you in you business matters and also in your daily life routine.This will also increase your english vocabulary and you will also improve your english.Try to revise this lesson once a week and you can download these business vocabulary words by thelink given in the description.

Business vocabulary words with their meanings script

Purchase خرید
Sale فروخت
Profit نفع
Loss نقصان
Price قیمت
Cost لاگت
Wholesale تھوک فروشی
Retail خوردہ فروشی
Cheap سستا
Dear گراں،مہنگا
Balance بقایا
Cash زرنقد
Credit ادھار
Share حصص
Shareholder حصہ دار
Check پڑتال
Cheque بنک چیک
Account حساب،کھاتہ
Current Account چالو کھاتہ
Goods مال اسباب
Profit Loss sharing A.C نفع ونقصان کھاتہ
Fixed Deposit خاص مدت کیلئےحساب
Debit خرچ،نام
Credit جمع
Loan قرضہ
Commission بھتہ
Discount رعایت
Arrears بقایاجات
Interest سود
Simple Interest سادہ سود،مفردسود
Instalment قسط
Receipt- رسید
Payment وصولی
Day book روزنامچہ
Cash book کیش بک
Ledger بہی کھاتہ
Saving بچت
Dividend حصہ کا منافع
Assets اثاثے
Liabilities زمہ داریا
Trade بیوپار
Commerce تجارت
Indent فہرست مطلوبہ اشیاء
Cash memo نقد ادائیگی کی رسید
Brokerage دلالی
Voucher لین دین کےثبوت کاپروانہ
Pass book بنک لین دین کا حساب
Exchange مبادلہ
Foreign Exchange زرمبادلہ
Bankrupt دیوالیہ
Prize bond انعامی بانڈ
Invoice رسید
Number تعداد
Advance پیشگی
Rent کرایہ
Letter of Credit (L/C) مال منگانے کیلئےجمع رقم
Bill of exchange ہنڈی
Dishonored Cheque چیک جو کیش نہ ہو
Transaction کاروباری لین دین
Merchandise سامان تجارت
Revenue ہرقسم کی آمدنی،محاصل
Equities سرمایہ پر حقوق

Business vocabulary words with their meanings flashcards

Business vocabulary words with their meanings

Business vocabulary words with their meanings

Business vocabulary words with their meanings

Business vocabulary words with their meanings


About the author

Muhammad Bilal

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