In this article you have top 20 words with meaning in Urdu for everyday use.
- Albeit: Even though; although; not withstanding (اگرچہ)
- Ajar: Partially opened (پوری طرح کھلا نہ بند)
- Foe: A personal enemy or opponent. (ذاتی دشمن)
- Altruistic: sincerely concerned about the well being of others(دوسروں کی بھلائی چاہنے والا)
- Amiable: Friendly. (ملنسار – خوش اخلاق)
- Plead: To appeal earnestly; beg (اپیل کرنا – التجا کرنا)
- Tedious: boring; annoying (بیزار کن – اکتاہٹ پیدا کرنے والا)
- Rage: an intense anger ( شدید غضب – طیش)
- Contemplate: meditate on or ponder (غور کرنا – سوچنا)
- Warmonger: One who advocates or attempts to stir up war.
- Adulterate: to debase by adding inferior material (غیر خالص – ملاوٹ کرنا)
- Articulate: Expressing oneself easily (صاف طور سے اظہار کرنا)
- Elope:To run away with a lover (عاشق کے ساتھ بھاگنا)
- Apogee: the highest point (عروج)
- Aplomb: confidence and skill shown, (ضبط نفس – اطمانیت)
- Massacre: (انسانوں کا بڑی تعداد میں قتل)
- Anteroom: a small waiting area that leads into a bigger room
- Annotation: a note or comment added to a document or book
- Amble: to stroll in a relaxed manner (ادھر ادھر پھرنا – آرام آرام سے چہل قدمی)
- Hospitable: welcoming and warm to visitors (مہمان نواز)
Vocabulary words with meaning for everyday use
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