Spoken English Sentences everyday 2020 | 100 Daily use english sentences
New spoken English sentences everyday pdf 2020 available for free with daily conversation in English for speaking and also another 50 daily use English sentences. Learn new daily use English sentences conversations 2020 with additional flashcards and frequently used English sentences in daily life with pdf.
Spoken English Sentences everyday 2020 Flashcards

Man is mortal. Insaan fani ha.
انسان فانی ہے۔

It is difficult to find out whether his is guilty or innocent. Yh janna mushkil ha ky vo qasurvar ha ya be gunah.
یہ جاننا مشکل ہے کہ وہ قصوروار ہے یا بے گناہ۔

For GOD’s sake don’t misunderstand me. Khuda ky liye mujhe galat na smjhy.
خدا کے لئے مجھے غلط نہ سمجھیں۔

What have you paid for this house?
Ap ny yh makan kitny mein khareeda ha?
آپ نے یہ مکان کتنے میں خریدا ہے؟

The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident. Hadsay se bchny ki khatir car ain waqat pr ruk gai.
حادثے سے بچنے کی خاطر کار عین وقت پر رُک گئی۔

Spoken English Sentences everyday 2020 | 100 Daily use english sentences