Most Common Irregular Verbs

Most Common Irregular Verbs with Meaning, Flashcards and PDF, Set 6

Written by Muhammad Bilal

Most Common Irregular Verbs with Meaning, Flashcards and PDF, Set 6

Meaning 1 2 3
انڈا دینا Lay Laid Laid
بسر کرنا Lead Led Led
ٹپکنا Leak Leaked Leaked
چھلانگ لگانا Leap Leapt Leapt
چھوڑدینا Leave Left Left
ادھار دینا Lend Lent Lent
اجازت دینا Let Let Let
لیٹنا Lick Licked Licked
جھوٹ بولنا Lie Lied Lied
لیٹنا Lie Lay Lain
اٹھانا Lift Lifted Lifted
روشن کرنا Light Lit Lit
پسند کرنا Like Liked Liked
دیرکرنا Linger Lingered Lingered
جوڑنا Link Linked Linked
غور سے سننا Listen Listened Listened
رہنا Live Lived Lived
وزن لادنا Load Loaded Loaded
واقعی ہونا Locate Located Located
خواہش کرنا Long Longed Longed

Most Common Irregular Verbs Flashcards, Set 6

Download PDF Here

About the author

Muhammad Bilal

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