Vocab Words You Must Know

Core words vocab for Spoken and Exams with Meaning, Flashcards and PDF, Set 2

Written by Muhammad Bilal

Essential English Vocabulary, Daily words English to Urdu with Flashcards and PDF.

Here is a list of vocabulary words with meaning and flashcards that will help you to improve your Writing, Speaking, Reading and Listening skills. These words are entirely helpful for the preparation of academic and competitive exams. This core words vocab series will also help you in your preparation for The GRE Tests , TOEFL , IELTS English Language Test , CSS, PMS, FPSC, NTS, UMSC, BPSC, SPSC Etc. You can also improve your spoken ability by remembering these essential words through use them in daily life conversation.

Core words vocab for Spoken and Exams with Meaning, Set 2

altitude اونچائی
 coastline  ساحل
 deter  روکنا
 devise  ویسا
 expertise  مہارت
 fracture  فریکچر
 impair  خرابی
implement لاگو کرنا
indigenous سودیشی
insight بصیرت
 limb  انگلی
 migraine  مریض
 optimism  امید ہے
 peculiar  مخصوص
 proficient  ماہر
 quest  تلاش
 ridge  ریز
spouse شریک حیات
 thrust  زور
 tolerate  برداشت کرنا
aquatic آبی
 biosphere  بایو گراؤنڈ
 bizarre  عجیب
 Celsius  سیلسیس
 coarse  موٹے

Core words vocab for Spoken and Exams, Flashcards, Set 2


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About the author

Muhammad Bilal

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