Common Vocabulary Words Daily words English to Urdu Most Important Words Vocab

Common household items name in English and vocabulary in urdu

Written by Muhammad Bilal

In today’s lesson there are some common household items which are used in our daily life and at home.These items are translated here in english and urdu.It will greatly enhance your english speaking abilities.try to revise this lesson on daily basis to improve your english vocabulary.You can also download it from here.

Common household items name in English and vocabulary in urdu script

Toothpaste دانتوں کی پیسٹ
Safety pin بکسواء
Vacuum cleaner گرد وغیرہ صاف کرنے کی مشین
headphones ہیڈ فون
Bucket بالٹی
Rubber gloves ربڑ کے دستانے
Mop جھا ڑن
Torch ٹارچ
Cushion گدی
Scissors قینچی
Suitcase بکسه
Doormat دروازے کی چٹائی


Common household items name in English and vocabulary in urdu


Ewer لوٹا
Painkillers درد کش دوا
Chopping board کٹائی والا بورڈ
Wall hook کھونٹی
Rosary تسبیح
Bolt چٹخنی
Bed sheet چادر
Cradle جھولا
Buckle بکسوا
Bolster گاؤ تکیہ
Bureau / drawer دراز
Scissors قینچی



Common household items name in English and vocabulary in urdu


Stairs سیڑھیاں
Toaster ٹوسٹر
Towel تولیہ
Ironing board استری کرنے کا تختہ
Clock گھڑی
Hairdryer ہیئر  ڈرائیر
Stool سٹول
Fridge فَرِیج
Rolling pin بیلن
Bottle opener بوتل کھولنے والاآلہ
Bowl کٹورا
laddar سیڑھی


Common household items name in English and vocabulary in urdu


Brush برش
Hairbrush کنگھا
Toilet roll ٹائیلٹ رول
Shower شاور
Quilt لحاف/رضائی
Socks جرابیں
Hammer ہتھوڑا
Ashtray راکهدان
Fire extinguisher آگ بجھانے والا آلہ
First aid kit فوری امداد
Plaster پلاسٹر
Spout پرنالہ


Common household items name in English and vocabulary in urdu


About the author

Muhammad Bilal

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