Daily words English to Urdu
The 3000 Most Important Words Vocab of this series along with meaning in Urdu and example sentences are the most useful words in English.
Part-26 ↓
Words | Meaning |
Pause | وقفہ |
Priest | مسیحی پیشوا |
Profession | پیشہ |
Aim | منشا |
Attach | منسلک کرنا |
Bet | داو پر لگی رقم |
Carriage | کوچ |
Classic | نہایت اعلٰی |
Commute | روز تہوڑے فاصلے پر آنا جانا |
Confirm | پکا کَرنا |
Criticize | نکتہ چینی کرنا |