Food Vocabulary Words will help us learn all the Names of Eatables included Foods, Vegetables, Fruits etc this list is very important to be learnt for the beginner students who has newly started learning English Language and this list is also helpful for the Spoken English Learners who want to Speak English Language we have designed this list for our Indian and Pakistani Students who are willing to Learn English language and get command over English.
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Food Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings
Fritters | پکوڑے |
Fine Flour | میدہ |
Pickle | اچار |
Egg | انڈہ |
Coffee | کافی |
Dates | کھجور |
Almond | بادام |
Lemonade | لیموں کا پانی |
Sugarcane Juice | گنے کا رس |
Yogurt/Curd | دہی |
Whey | لسی |
Green Tea | سبز چائے |
Sweets | مٹھائی |
Petty | سموسہ |
Sweet Potato | شکر قندی |
Tamarind | املی |
Honey | شہد |
Ginger | ادرک |
Garlic | لہسن |
Grapefruit | چکوترا |
Cauliflower | گوبھی |
Grewia | فالسہ |
Beet | چقندر |
Butter | مکھن |
Pistachio | پستہ |
Corn | مکئی |
Chocolate | چاکلیٹ |
Cake | کیک |
Apple Juice | سیب کا رس |
Bread | ڈبل روٹی |
Turmeric | ہلدی |
Sandwich | سینڈویچ |
Walnut | اخروٹ |
Radish | مولی |
Carrot | گاجر |
Lettuce | سلاد کے پتے |
Pineapple | انناس |
Apricot | خوبانی |
Candy | ٹافی |
Cashew nut | کاجو |
Watermelon | تربوز |
Sohan Halwa | سو ہن حلوہ |
Lentil Dumpling | دہی بلے |
Gram | چنے |
Beef | گائے کا گوشت |
Cheese | پنیر |
Cucumber | کھیرا |
Cream | بلائی |
Food Vocabulary in Urdu
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