Vocabulary Quiz

Advanced vocabulary quiz weekly tests | meaning and sentences

Advanced vocabulary quiz
Written by Muhammad Bilal

Join our quiz of vocabulary in which we will attach a list of top most important advanced vocabulary words. We just provide you a number of advanced vocabulary words and you have to give us meaning of these words in comment section below. We have categorically number every words of given list below, your task is to answer these English vocabulary words in comment such as mentioned words serial number. Our tutor will reply your comment as soon as possible and verify your comment. If you want to improve your English writer you may also include an example sentence as well with meaning of that words in comment section below. We will grammatically check your example sentence in that way you will improve your English writing on daily biases.

English Vocabulary Word list of Today’s quizas under:-

  1. Colony
  2. Pueblo
  3. Reservation
  4. Shaman
  5. Spirit
  6. Tepee
  7. Toboggan
  8. Tomahawk
  9. Totem Pole
  10. Treaty
  11. Tribe
  12. Wampum
  13. Weave
  14. Brave
  15. Buckskins
  16. Buffalo
  17. Canoe
  18. Chief
  19. Clan
  20. Colonialism
  21. Wigwam
  22. Agriculture
  23. Ancestor
  24. Arrowhead
  25. Barter
  26. Bison
  27. Confederation
  28. Headdress
  29. Lodge
  30. Maize
  31. Mesa
  32. Moccasin
  33. Nomad
  34. Papoose
  35. Potlatch
  36. Powwow

About the author

Muhammad Bilal

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